This Friday will be the first Spring Open Studios Night at the Cornelia Arts Building, where I've worked and grown as an artist for over four years now. I will miss this place -- and the amazingly talented, kind, generous people who are a part of it -- dearly.
THIS WILL BE MY LAST ART SHOW HERE IN CHICAGO BEFORE I MOVE TO LA! Please come out and show your support. Last chance to see my work here and to say goodbye.
There will be art on two floors from over 40 artists. The event is FREE and ALL AGES! From 6-10pm. Food truck in the parking lot!
As some of you have been following, I've been giving a portion of my sales to charities since January of this year. Currently, through March 9th, 10% of sales will go to the Anti-Defamation League. So far, money has been raised for Gilda's Club of Chicago, Imerman Angels, Free the Slaves, International Rescue Committee, and the ADL (I hope to add more to this upcoming donation!). On March 10th, all monies on that day will go to the Randi Russo insanely-expensive-move Moving Fund -- it's a worthy cause, I assure you.
All art will be wrapped up after the show. Make your appointments now for this week if you'd like to see anything privately. Availability is limited.
Below are some pics that collectors had sent me of my work in their homes. For those lacking wall space, I have many smaller pieces available, plus work on paper. Please come by and don't be shy!
Hope to see you Friday! (or before, if you'd like to make an appointment!)
Oh! Details: Friday MARCH 10th, 6-10pm at the Cornelia Arts Building - click link for map.
"Aquatic Equations" - 36x66" - mixed media on canvas
"What Gets Caught In My Mind Spins All the Time" (a.k.a. "In My Mind All the Time") - 48x66" - mixed media on canvas